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伯明翰 • 第一屆反枱比賽 - 學生組 Birmingham Table Flipping Contest (Student)

Sat, 27 Jan


Aston University, Birmingham

歡迎所有14歲以上全日制學生參加 Welcome all over 14 years old full time students.

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伯明翰 • 第一屆反枱比賽 - 學生組 Birmingham Table Flipping Contest (Student)
伯明翰 • 第一屆反枱比賽 - 學生組 Birmingham Table Flipping Contest (Student)

Time & Location

27 Jan 2024, 11:00 – 12:30

Aston University, Birmingham, Birmingham B4 7ET, UK

About the event

(Scroll Below for English Version)


今次嘅反枱比賽特設學生組,誠邀當日會過嚟伯明翰參加Birmingham Games 嘅各路人馬參加反枱比賽,一戰高下。🏴‍☠️

‼️伯明翰 • 第一屆反枱比賽(⁠ノ⁠`⁠Д⁠´⁠)⁠ノ⁠彡⁠┻⁠━⁠┻

嚟到英國,冬天日照短,情緒又唔好❓🌨️「伯明翰反枱比賽」提供一個畀你發洩、釋放壓力嘅機會。隔離又有得睇波⚽ 玩到夜繽紛都仲有伯明宵年宵行🎎 就唔好錯過呢個比賽🏆 新一年要開心啲,發洩完企起身再接再厲‼️

快啲入我哋嘅網站 ,睇下詳細嘅遊戲規則同報名啦!

👦 兒童組(14歲以下)*非比賽形式,即場報名

🎓 學生組(所有全日制中/大學生)

🤩 公開組(18 歲或以上)




1. 參賽者僅能在指定位置跪坐進行比賽。

2. 參賽時需先大喊想發洩嘅嘢,然後反枱,將枱上物品投得最遠者為勝。

3. 違反以下任何一項規定將被取消資格:

- 反枱前沒有大嗌。

- 枱被完全反出超過3米範圍。

- 拋出的物品超出指定區域。

4. 拋出的物品完全靜止後,工作人員將測量並記錄被投擲得最遠的物品距離。

5. Hong Kong Student Alliance CIC保留最終決定權。

「伯明翰 • 第一屆反枱比賽」由Hong Kong Student Alliance CIC 全新教育及升學平台 EduLinkUp 主辦。


Collaborative Hong Kong Women CIC

EC Mortgage 英國按揭易



Birmingham Burgos FC/ Birmingham Games 2024

1.27 全部企起身!

#Birmingham #HKSA #反枱 #TableFlippingCompetition

‼️Birmingham • First Annual Table Flipping Contest (⁠ノ⁠`⁠Д⁠´⁠)⁠ノ⁠彡⁠┻⁠━⁠┻

Feeling down due to the short daylight hours in the UK winter?🌨️ The "Birmingham Table Flipping Contest" offers you a chance to vent and release stress. With football to watch and the Birmingham Night Market to enjoy, don't miss out on this event🏆. Start the new year off right by letting it all out and then standing tall to face new challenges‼️

Head over to our website at to check out the detailed rules and sign up!

👦 Children Group (under 14 years old) *non-competitive, on-site registration

🎓 Student Group (all full-time middle/university students)

🤩 Open Group (18 years and older)

Competition Method:

Participants must first kneel on a soft mat🧎, then flip the table to throw the items on it as far as possible. Throughout the process, the table must remain within the mat area, or disqualification will ensue. Before flipping, participants must loudly express anything they wish to vent, then flip the table. Three items will be placed on the table, but only the distance of the farthest thrown item will be recorded, with the furthest distance winning.

Competition Rules:

1. Participants can only kneel at the designated spot during the competition.

2. Before flipping, participants must loudly express their frustrations, then flip the table, aiming to throw the items the farthest.

3. Violation of any of the following will result in disqualification:

- Not shouting before flipping the table.

- The table is completely flipped beyond a 3-meter range.

- Thrown items land outside the designated area.

4. Once the thrown items have come to a complete stop, staff will measure and record the distance of the farthest item.

5. Hong Kong Student Alliance CIC reserves the final decision right.

The "Birmingham Table Flipping Contest" is organized by the Hong Kong Student Alliance CIC's new educational and academic platform, EduLinkUp.

Sponsored by:

Collaborative Hong Kong Women CIC

EC Mortgage UK

English Sister Tea Room

Venue Supported by:

Birmingham Burgos FC/ Birmingham Games 2024

Stand up and face the world on 1.27!

#Birmingham #HKSA #TableFlipping #TableFlippingCompetition


  • General Admission

    Sale ended



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